May 21, 2001
Republican legislative sources have informed us of their lack of confidence in the integrity of the opinions of Commissioner Pam Wheelock. The reason is that she did not accurately reflect the negotiating position of the Administration. We understand she negotiated...
Apr 19, 2000
We could spend time telling you about the accuracy of our prediction that Governor Jesse Ventura would veto the “Women’s Right to Know” legislation, but we won’t because it would seem like bragging. The secrecy surrounding the Friday, 4:30 pm announcement...
Apr 9, 2000
Today, Governor Jesse Ventura (RP-MN) will finally answer the question that many people have been unsure about. His three choices are to either veto, sign or let pass without a signature the controversial bill called “A Woman’s Right to Know.” We at Checks...
Jan 20, 1999
Tuesday the Governor’s Sales Tax Rebate was discussed in committee. There was a bill jacketed but there was no number assigned to it. The chief author and sole sponsor is Rep. Dave Bishop (R) district 30B, Rochester. The process that brought this bill forward...
Jan 15, 1999
The Administration has a couple of avenues for maintaining contact with the legislators during the legislative session. First, is through the various departments that are headed by Gubernatorial appointees. Second, by direct contact with the Governor’s Office...