Passage of Laws in the 2024 Legislative Session

Minnesota Report To date, there have been 24 bills presented to Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) and all have been signed into law. The question remains whether or not any proposed Constitutional Amendments will be on the November...

There Still Are Pot Parties, But None of Them Are Major Anymore

Minnesota Report On Friday, the MN State Supreme Court released its ruling on the case brought by DFL Party Chair Ken Martin against Secretary of State Steve Simon (DFL-MN) and the Legal Marijuana Now Party over their major party status. The court ruled Legal...

As Expected, Mitchell Remains Mute

Minnesota Report The Senate Ethic Committee convened yesterday later than anticipated, but did address two complaints. One against Sen. Nicole Mitchell (DFL-57, Woodbury) for her alleged felony burglary of her stepmotherā€™s home and another for Sen Glenn Grunehagen...

When is the Legislative Session Ending Deadline?

Minnesota Report We have heard people broaching questions about the allowable activity on the last day of the legislative session. This starts from a question of two correlated constitutional sections, listed below. What is at issue is can the legislature pass any...

What if Trump Died Tomorrow?

National & Minnesota Report Many people wish for this to be true, but no one should wish death on anyone, no matter whom it is. Now, a trial for treason and a public hanging or shooting by firing squad is a different question. Truly, the question posed in the...