News Releases

Commemorating 9/11

National & Minnesota Report

The pain never leaves, the visual of the United Airlines Flight 175 banking left and careening into the South Tower of the World Trade Center will never be forgotten. It played like a movie, but the problem is it was real.

On September 11th, 2021, we wrote the This Day of Tragedy which reflected our sentiments at the time.

Kamala Harris Has Presidential Chops

National & Minnesota Report

In our story, prior to the Vice-President Kamala Harris (D) and Donald J Trump (R) debate we knew it would be a telling event, and it was. As we said, Harris needed to establish she had Presidential Chops, and she did. In boxing terms, she mugged the guy. He was out of his league and in fact he looked more like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas than the cat who ate the canary.

The Prosecutor v the Felon Part I was a masterful work of watching Trump be dismantled. At each turn, when Harris scored her virtual body blows, they seemed almost physical. We were reminded of the old arcade game Punch Out, which each time the opponent is hit below the chin, the game announces “Body Blow”!

In this case, the battle of Kamala “Childless Cat Lady” Harris v Donald “The Diapered Don” Trump was a massacre. She wiped the floor with his ass.

He looked tired, and took on the role of the doddering old man, outclassed by the more youthful and vibrant opponent. While he answered questions, he was poised behind his microphone, leading with his chin. He transposed himself, with President Joe Biden (D) who looked like he was destined for a knockout blow and instead needed to throw in the towel.

The memorable takeaways for us were when Harris said he had sold us out to China. Harris says Trump ‘sold us out on China’ and when he reiterated the bizarre unsubstantiated claim first made by his running mate US Senator JD Vance (R-OH) about Haitian Immigrants eating people’s pet in Springfield, OH. This is the Trump video on it from the debate.

When Harris’ running mate, our Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) first called Trump and Vance, “Weird” and members of the He Man Woman Haters Club it caught on, because they are.

We were early adopter of the weird concept, except we called Trump Bizzarro back in 2020. Since Trump’s Contraction of COVID, We Have Been Waiting for His Superman Declaration, and He Delivered

Lessons Learned From the RNC, If You Ignore the Corona Virus It Will Go Away, Also, Don’t Pay Any Attention to the Hurricane Either

The one telling factor on who won and who lost is Trump when into the Spin Room to try and salvage something from his failed effort, and Harris left to celebrate with supporters. The bulk of the Trump surrogates and he himself have been kvetching about the television network and the moderators ABC’s David Muir and Linsey Davis.

Taylor Swift Endorsement and Her Political Weight

A major endorsement followed the debate when on Instagram, Taylor Swift while holding Benjamin Buttons posted the following.

Like many of you, I watched the debate tonight. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to do your research on the issues at hand and the stances these candidates take on the topics that matter to you the most. As a voter, I make sure to watch and read everything I can about their proposed policies and plans for this country.

Recently I was made aware that AI of ‘me’ falsely endorsing Donald Trump’s presidential run was posted to his site. It really conjured up my fears around AI, and the dangers of spreading misinformation. It brought me to the conclusion that I need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter. The simplest way to combat misinformation is with the truth.

I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 Presidential Election. I’m voting for @kamalaharris because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them. I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos. I was so heartened and impressed by her selection of running mate @timwalz, who has been standing up for LGBTQ+ rights, IVF, and a woman’s right to her own body for decades.

I’ve done my research, and I’ve made my choice. Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make. I also want to say, especially to first time voters: Remember that in order to vote, you have to be registered! I also find it’s much easier to vote early. I’ll link where to register and find early voting dates and info in my story.

With love and hope,

Taylor Swift
Childless Cat Lady

After her concert series in Minneapolis, in October 2023—when President Joe Biden (D) was still in the race—we wrote this article which recognized the (political) force of Taylor Swift. One Person Who Could Run as a Third-Party Candidate for President and Win. Taylor Swift

Republican Vice-Presidential candidate US Sen JD Vance (R-OH) originally, made his infamous Childless Cat Ladies remark with Tucker Carlson on FoxNews.

Now hopefully, we will get to see, The Prosecutor v the Felon Part II. Which if it occurs could be a good as the Godfather Part II with 17 wins & 21 nominations, which is by some measures the sequel outpaces the original Godfather Part I with its 31 wins & 31 nominations, we disagree, but fully believe Godfather Part III, sucked.

If we do not get a second Presidential Debate we’ll just have to settle for the Vice-Presidential Debate on October 1st.

The Potential Significant Effects of Sex and Age Could Have in the Seven Swing Voter States

National & Minnesota Report

When Checks & Balances started in 1995, our focus was on the Swing Voter. We decided, in this Presidential Election, based on the constant barrage of news reports of the closeness outcome, and the prognostication, it was worth analyzing the potential factors which could determine the results. We have concluded Age and Gender might be the essential elements.

Hence, this is the reason we have provided a spreadsheet of the Presidential Popular Vote results in each of the seven swing states AZ, GA, MI, NC, NV, PA and WI from 2008-2020. Additionally, w have broken down the Census figures from 2022 by four different age brackets to show how different ages could also impact the results in their states. Now, because these are historical numbers they will not be completely precise, but they clearly will provide a perspective. Sure, some people have died, some new people have moved into the state and the different rules for voter registration may have changed, especially, in Georgia, in which the recent Republican appointees on their election board is pursuing changes as we write this.

When looking at the population of men and women from 2022, we can get a general perspective on the percentages of each. Additionally, because women vote more often than men, and when compared to the total population. The non-voting group is based on ineligibility due to age below 18, non-citizens, non-registered eligible voters and convicted felons.

In this election, it could truly become the Year of the Woman. Since AZ, GA, MI, NC and PA, all have higher percentages of women in their state, and women vote in higher instances, all other factors being equal, Harris may have an advantage based on gender. The differences then come down to three other factors, which political party they identify with or whether or not they consider themselves to be Independents.

As you can see below, some states are showing a party difference, but we think the gender of the respondents are a major factor.

CBS News Poll

















The 93 Electoral College votes in these states will be penultimate to deciding the final outcome and the debate performance tonight will likely become the essential element in determining how the electorate feels toward each of these candidates. Because Trump is largely already defined, it will be up to Harris to delineate herself and buttress against anything Trump throws at her to prove her Presidential Chops.

In the race to 270, and each camp being in the low 200’s, any variance between these states will have a significant impact. The biggest prize clearly is Pennsylvania, but the various combinations play out like an algebraic formula. Here are the differentials.


Electoral College Vote

% Men

% Women





























Click here to see the state-by-state breakdown of the 2022 Electoral College Votes

On the question of Age, in 2008, the number of the youth vote was higher than the senior citizen vote for the first time in our nation. In this election, because of issues like abortion, marijuana legalization and student loan forgiveness the youth vote is a potential factor, but also the War in Gaza might impinge this block of support, especially if Donald J Trump is perceived better on the issue than is Vice-President Kamala Harris.

2008-2020 Electoral Results in the 7 Swing State Presidential Election

The additional factors of running mate selection, might play a role, if the 2nd Congressional District in Nebraska plays a role and since our Governor Tim Walz (D) was born in the Cornhusker State, Omaha might be paying closer attention. For the record, this district does normally vote for the Democratic candidate.

Favorite sons can play a role, in 2008 US Sen John McCain (R-AZ) carried his state, but in 2012US Sen Mitt Romney (R-UT) was not able to carry his birth state of Michigan, in spite of the fact his father was a former governor.

Beware the Fet Life

Minnesota Report

There is a drug cultural expression gaining acceptance that must be stopped. It is being circulated among Fentanyl Users called living the “Fet Life.” This drug unlike others is a facet in creating a lost generation, which is racially diverse, and utterly useless. People of all ages are regularly smoking this shit at transit stops, on the trains and out in the open, and regularly challenging people to exercise their choice and tolerate them smoking in front them, or in their cabals on the transit system.

There must be a more robust effort to squelch this now. As winter descends, they losers will come in greater numbers and takeover the trains and with them reduced to two cars, create a greater conflict with normal passengers. There is now way, drug users she be allowed to capture a train car of their own and make it their party car.

When will the Metro Transit root these people out and ban them from riding. If there were citations for the scofflaws who likely never pay a fare, and cite them regularly until the number of violations become significant, the problem will not cease.

Metropolitan Council Chair Charlie Zelle, this is your duty, fix it. Truth is the Green Line is the worst of the two, likely because Mayor Jacob Frye and the Minneapolis City Council has dedicated money to the problem, but St Paul has not, so there must be a better solution.

The Unvarnished Truth About Donald J Trump

National & Minnesota Politics

If Donald J Trump (R) wasn’t a candidate for President, he wouldn’t have gone to Arlington Cemetery in the first place. His disdain for people who served in the military and made the ultimate sacrifice, as a malignant narcissist, would not have seen anything in it for him. His existence as a Attention Whore, Confidence Man, False Prophet, Demagogue, Opportunist, and Carnival Barker, placed him there because of his irreverence to anything respectful, or honorable requiring personal sacrifice.

The Diapered Don as a man, is a piece of shit.

When will people witness the truth, every time he moves his mouth he spouts lies. If this were your child, because he is not a thing more than an adult child, who has lived an existence of constant fawning of buildings, casinos and airplanes sporting his name and the brand is so successful it has required six or more bankruptcies to maintain his empire. Especially, those on the casinos, when does the house ever lose?

His appeal to our nation, is merely to the uneducated, based members of society who see him as an embodiment to reinforce their own malignancies for a governmental system and elevates them from their own bottom of the barrels existence. When former Secretary Hillary Clinton (D) called them a “Basket of Deplorables” she was right, but she wasn’t politically timely, because she poked the bears in their eyes with a stick and they roared to life and swatted her down. Just as a man who beats his wife does. These were mainly, disgruntled males, applying a backlash to their feelings of being overlooked or passed by as a more diverse economy advances.

As Maya Angelou originally said “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” We have already seen this nine-year-old movie and the problem is the plot has not changed, the script is the same and the character in the role as the villian is the same. He is just an older, more bitter, only more venomous, more vindictive and just an insipid, deranged and deplorable character, seeking revenge. If reelected, he will likely not leave the stage and will cause a Constitutional Crisis and force the rest of our society to root him out, which could bring about another Civil War, which is why he is a threat to Our Democracy.

He represents the worst of us, not the best of us. His Malignant Narcissism is the cancer that continues to grow and stands as a stained monument for our children and our grandchildren, along with the rest of the world, to see as an example of our failures not our successes.

America must save itself from Donald J Trump or follow the path of many other civilizations into decay and the annals of history as a failed experiment, that could not prevent its fall because of an inability to protect itself from a cult figure.


Booths at the Minnesota State Fair

Minnesota Report

Here are some telling images from the Minnesota State Fair political booths.

DFL Party Booth

Recent report from the haul taken in is, the DFL sold more than three times the amount of merchandise than ever before.

Republican Party Booth


Libertarian Party Booth

Independence Party Booth

Images From the Chicago DNC Convention

National & Minnesota Report

Here are some pictures from the Chicago DNC Convention.

Palestine Protest

This was far smaller than anticipated.



Media Covering the Protest

Police Response

The police response was far larger than necessary.


DNC Convention Speakers Day Two (Tuesday)

President Barack Obama


Those in the Hall

Shawn Towle with Washington Post/MSNBC/PBS News Hour Commentator Jonathan Capehart

Shawn Towle with former AR Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson

2024 Senate State Fair Poll

Minnesota Report

Minnesota Senate

 2024 State Fair Poll 


Demographics Question I

What area best describes where you live?

( ) Minneapolis/St. Paul

( ) Rural Suburban Regional hub of at least 40,000 people (Rochester, Duluth, St. Cloud, Mankato, Moorhead)

( ) Another state

( ) I prefer not to answer

What is your age?

( ) 18-24

( ) 25-34

( ) 35-49

( ) 50-64

( ) 65 and older

( ) I prefer not to answer

Question 1. The 2024 Legislature required each school district and charter school to adopt a policy on students’ possession and use of cell phones in school. Should students be prohibited from using cell phones in school during the school day?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Undecided/No Opinion

Question 2. Currently, cities may pass local zoning ordinances to allow duplexes, triplexes or accessory dwelling units (e.g. mother in-law suites) on lots zoned for single family residences. Should the Legislature enact state laws requiring all cities to approve these requiring all cities to approve these types of dwellings on lots currently zoned for single-family residences?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Undecided/No Opinion

3. Should owners of prime agricultural land be prohibited from converting their land to solar energy production?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Undecided/No Opinion

4. Cell-cultivated meat, also known as lab-grown meat or cultured meat, is meat grown in a lab from animal cells. If labeled as cell-grown or cultivated, would you support the sale of of cell-cultivated meats in Minnesota?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Undecided/No Opinion

5. In recent years, an increasing number of local governments have asked the Legislature and local voters to approve local sales taxes to fund projects that serve users from a broad geographic areas such as community recreation centers and park and trail improvements. Do you support funding regionally significant projects like these with a local sales tax?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Undecided/No Opinion

6.Should employees who stop working to participate in a labor strike be eligible to receive unemployment benefits during the labor strike?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Undecided/No Opinion

7. The 2024 Legislature established a traffic safety camera system pilot program to enforce speeding violations and traffic-control signal violations in two Minnesota cities. Under the pilot program, the owner or lessee of a vehicle that violates the law can be issued a citation. Should the legislature authorize communities across Minnesota to use traffic safety camera systems?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Undecided/No Opinion

8. Some states have passed laws to establish a statewide teacher salary schedule or a minimum salary amount for licensed teachers in kindergarten through grade 12 public schools. In Minnesota, teacher pay is negotiated between local school boards and teachers. Should Minnesota establish a minimum salary requirement for licensed public school teacher?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Undecided/No Opinion

9. In 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court in June struck down a near-total federal prohibition on sports betting. Since then, 38 states have authorized sports betting, includingall the states bordering Minnesota. Under current Minnesota law, sports betting is illegal. Should Minnesota legaliz sports betting?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Undecided/No Opinion

10. If the next state budget and economic forecast projects a budget deficit, how should the state eliminate the deficit?

( ) Reduce state spending

( ) A mixture of reductions in spending and increases in state tax revenue

( ) Increase state tax revenues

( ) Use money from the state budget reserve

( ) Undecided/No Opinion


2024 Minnesota House State Fair Poll

Minnesota Report

Our tradition of publishing the legislative State Fair Polls, House and Senate, continues in 2024. Historically, we have found the questions asked often become legislation.

 Minnesota House of Representatives 2021 State Fair Poll

Question 1. Should students in grades K-12 be prohibited from using cell phones during the school?

Undecided/No opinion

Question 2. Should firearm storage laws be expended to specify that a person must store a firearm unloaded and equipped with a locking device or in a firearm storage unit?

Undecided/No opinion

Question 3. To encourage recycling, should Minnesota pass a “bottle bill” that would require a refundable deposit on each purchased beverage container such as can and plastic bottles?

Undecided/No opinion

Question 4. If gambling on professional and collegiate sports become legal, should in-person wagering sites include both tribal casinos and the state’s two horse racing tracks, Canterbury and Running Aces?

Undecided/No opinion

Question 5. State law limits when legislators can meet in session during the year. Should restrictions be lifted so the Legislature could meet at anytime?

Undecided/No opinion

Question 6. Should the state create digital driver’s licenses and identification cards?

Undecided/No opinion

Question 7. Should Election Day be a state holiday?

Undecided/No opinion

Question 8. Should the MinnesotaCare health insurance program be expanded to include a public option to allow more low-income Minnesotans to buy health insurance?

Undecided/No opinion

Question 9. Should state and local governments, school districts and postsecondary institutions be prohibited from banning any visual display of rainbows, such as flags or posters, from their property?

Undecided/No opinion

Question 10. Should school supplies be tax exempt from sales taxes?

Undecided/No opinion

Question 11. To help address the housing shortage, should the state require cities to loosen zoning laws to permit more multifamily residential developments in commercial districts and on residential lots?

Undecided/No opinion

Question 12. [This question will be on the November 2024 ballot] “Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to protect drinking water sources and the water quality of lakes, rivers, and streams; conserve wildlife habitat and natural areas; improve air quality; and expand access to parks and trails by extending the transfer of proceeds from the state-operated lottery to the environment and natural trust fund, and to dedicate the proceeds for these purposes?

Undecided/No opinion


Do Recent Battleground Polls Spell Trouble for Trump?

National & Minnesota Report

In July, after President Joe Biden (D) announced his decision not to seek reelection, the financial flow gates opened for Vice-President Kamala Harris (D). If fundraising is the first poll in an electoral contest then, she secured $310 million in campaign contributions compared to $137 million for Donald J Trump (R). in a mere 11 days Harris outpaced Trump with $173 million more at a rate of $28.18 million/day and comparatively 6.38 times his pace.

Most of the political reporting is stemming from the most recent information from the Swing State Project, which is a collaboration between The Cook Political Report and two pollsters, BSG and GS Strategy Group. In the aggregate, 2,867 likely voters across the 7 states (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennslyvania, Wisconsin) completed the survey from July 26 – August 2, 2024, for a margin of sampling error of ±1.83 at the 95% confidence level, but there are other corroborating sources. The New York Times and The Hill each have stories from this information and Real Clear Polling has some aggregate polling data.

In the most recent battleground polls we are seeing the following.

USA Today’s Poll Shows the Following.


Harris is leading Trump by 4-points, 46%-42% in the Arizona polling. It is worth nothing in May, Trump had led Biden by 5% in Grand Canon State.


It appears Harris and Trump are even at 46% in the Georgia polling. In May, Trump had led Biden by 4% points in Peach State.


Harris has gained on Trump by 2-points, 46%-44% in the Michigan polling. In May, Trump had led Biden by 3% points in Great Lakes State.


Trump leads Harris by 5-points, 47%-42% in the Nevada polling. In May, Trump led Biden by 8% in Silver State.

North Carolina

Harris leads Trump by 2-points, 46%-44% in North Carolina in the polling. In May, Trump led Biden by 8% in Tar Heel State.


Harris leads Trump 5-points, 48%-43% in Pennsylvania in the polling. In May, Trump led Biden by 3% in Keystone State.


Harris leads Trump 5-points, 48%-43% in Wisconsin in the polling. In May, Trump and Biden were tied in the Badger State.

Trump Polling Numbers in Key States Falter

National and Minnesota Report Yesterday, articles in the New York Times and the Washington Post spelled good news for the former Vice-President Joe Biden’s campaign (D).

Senate Bonding Then and Now (2018 v 2020)

Minnesota Report Two years ago, the Republican controlled State Senate brought forward it’s Capitol Investment Bill, which failed to pass on a party line vote of 34-33, seven votes short of the 2/3rds majority of 41 votes. What is interesting I what the Republicans...

Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 Page

Minnesota Report On Friday, Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) along with Commissioner Jan Malcolm released the State of Minnesota’s comprehensive COVID-19 page on the Department of Health’s Website. Additionally, the MN House also has a page which provides more and...

Trump’s Continued Call for Hydroxychloroquine

National Report In spite of not having scientific support for his position Donald J Trump (R) continues to put forward his contention that the use of Hydroxychloroquine a drug for Malaria and Lupus and Erythromycin a drug for bacterial infections as a panacea to the...

Walz Executive Orders During Pandemic

Minnesota Report As we are in the midst of the second week of the Stay at Home Executive Order 20-20 more orders are coming from Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) to stipulate what options are available to our state’s citizens. Today, Executive Order 20-25 Authorizing Peace...

The Coming of the Four Horsemen

If you want to be memorable in Minnesota State Capitol politics it is good if you are referred to as something other than your name. It is often helpful when a term or a phrase can be applied to your, group, issue or initiative. If you want to be known as something...

2018 House State Fair Poll

Minnesota Report We at Checks & Balances are continuing our tradition of publishing the State Fair Polls found at the State Fair booths in the Education Building. Again, as we have said before, these provide an insight into the mindset and the issues of interest...

2018 Senate State Fair Poll

Minnesota Report State Senate  2016 State Fair Poll Questions (Choose one answer per question)   Demographics Residence Minneapolis/St. Paul Rural Suburban Regional hub of at least 40,000 people (Rochester, Duluth, St. Cloud, Mankato, Moorhead) Another state No...

Leadership Shuffles

Minnesota Report First, it was the rapid one-week ouster of Republican Party Chair Jennifer Carnahan, then the announcement by Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka (R-09, Nisswa) leaving the leadership post and not seeking reelection, followed by the more surprising...

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Legislative Return/Special Session 2020

Minnesota Report We are hearing the legislature will likely be recalled for Special Session June 12th, which is just before Governor Tim Walz’ (DFL-MN) last peacetime emergency declaration is set to expire. In order to declare another one, he will need to receive...

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Alcohol From Restaurant to You

Minnesota Report  The House and the Senate have agreed to allow alcohol sales to be purchased from restaurants, during the COVID-19 crisis, but only beer and wine. The problem with this is with liquor stores still open the cost will be higher without an added benefit,...

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