Need to Change Minnesota Crop Production

Minnesota Report Because of the tariffs imposed on China by Donald J Trump (R), Minnesota needs to change is Agricultural mix. The mono-cultural growing of corn and beans (soybeans) will not be as productive since China was the largest consumer of soybeans and because...

Trump and China’s Trade War Over Soybeans

Last week, the Chinese Government Sponsored Newspaper China Daily took out a four-page insert in the Des Moines Register criticizing the Donald J Trump tariffs on commodities, particularly soybeans and attempted to bring the issue directly to Iowa farmers. The Des...

Effects of Tariffs Cut Both Ways in Minnesota

When Donald J Trump (R) announced the imposition of a 25% tariff on nation states exporting steel and aluminum the benefit to the Iron Range was immediate. Granted, residents of the 8th Congressional District voted for Trump 53.76% compared to 38.27% for Hillary...