DFL Education Foundation Debacle

The DFL Education Foundation heads down a perilous path. They are holding three seminars in the next three months focused on DFL political opportunities in the suburbs. It is our understanding this is a 501C3 nonprofit organization and if they engage in partisan...

Teachers Weigh In

Education Minnesota held a press conference earlier in the week to inform people that they were preparing to begin their endorsement process nearly a year before the election. The teacher’s union felt it was imperative for their organization to step forward and send a...

Pulling Dutcher to the Left

Associated Press and MPR are reporting State Auditor Judi Dutcher (DFL-MN) is preparing to make known her intentions for Governor race in 2002 within the next month.  That is slightly longer than our off the cuff prediction of March 15th.  Looks like Dutcher is...

With Spring Comes Change

The DFL Party will be holding a business meeting in April to address the need for party reform and install new party leadership. Current Chair Dick Senese has stated that he will not seek a second term of office. The field is not all that illustrious and more...

Special Election Results Are In

The DFL House Caucus is returning to its usual level of success in special elections. Republican Ray Vandeveer received 58.43%, DFLer Tom Kranz’s 34.61% and Reform Party candidate Diana Turner picking up the rear with 6.89%. After the addition of Dan Cramer, the...