Seeking Election Information in 2018 From Past Races

As pundits and prognosticators try to read the tea leaves prior to an election, they call attention to the enthusiasm surrounding a particular political party. Right now nationally, the Democratic Party seems to have the wind at its back and the Republicans appear to...

Campaign Finance Reports for MN Federal Races

Today, the actual campaign finance numbers for the various federal campaigns are being posted on the site. The numbers started rolling out slowly, but we stepped behind the scenes found information from the raw reports, and we will be updating as any new...

Handicapping the Statewide DFL Primary Races

As we are watching the Primary contests for US Senate, Governor, and Attorney General our attention is often diverted to the Democratic side, because other than the race for Governor on the Republican side, it is far more dynamic. US Senate The race between US Senator...

Handicapping the DFL Primary in the CD05

Undoubtedly, the 5th Congressional District has the more far-reaching impact statewide. The turnout figures outpace every other district and the hard leftist bent of Minneapolis is something every other district competes against in statewide races. Since we know this...