First Special Session Set to Start

Legislators are flocking in from all corners of the state to attend the first legislative session ever held in the State Office Building. The members will be occupying SOB rooms 5 and 10 and the spaces will be a little cramped. The four legislative leaders Speaker...

The Political Responses to the 2015 February Revenue Forecast

We attended press conference of Governor Mark Dayton (DFL), followed by one with the DFL leadership with Senate Deputy Leader Jeff Hayden (DFL-62, Minneapolis), Senate Finance Committee Chair Senator Dick Cohen (DFL-64, St Paul), House Minority Leader Paul Thissen...

Who Does Entenza’s Bid Benefit?

The decision by former House Minority Leader Matt Entenza(DFL) to contend against State Auditor Rebecca Otto (DFL-MN) may have more to do with 2018 than it does 2014. The reason being that Otto, if reelected in Novemberwould be in her third term and a viable candidate...

Dayton and House DFLers are on Notice

Governor Mark Dayton (DFL), House Speaker Paul Thissen (DFL-61B, Minneapolis) and the House DFL members need to wake up and smell the Cannabis because their reelections are in doubt if they fail to pass Medical Marijuana with a provision for Post-Traumatic Stress...