Fischbach is Derelict of Duty

It is clear Lt Governor Michelle Fischbach (R-Paynesville) doesn’t want the job. In our article, One Person Can’t-Do Two Jobs we spelled that out clearly. Her state Senate seat is the ultimate issue because the body is currently in the hands of Republicans with...

State of the State 2018

Today, the Senate passed a resolution inviting Governor Mark Dayton (DFL-MN) to a joint session of the legislature at 6:45 pm March 14, 2018. We will be wondering where presumptive Lt Governor Michelle Fischbach (R-Paynesville) sits during the proceedings…. This...

Carry Your Own Department Bills

Yesterday, during a reply on Senate TV of the meeting of the Legislative Coordinating Commission (LCC) was televised we learned how the legislature will respond to the Executive Branch. House Speaker Kurt Daudt (R-31B, Crown) advanced and discussed the fact it is the...

Senate Session Opens With Fischbach in The President’s Chair

At 12:00 pm the Minnesota State Senate opened with Sen Michelle Fischbach (R-13, Paynesville) presiding as the President of the Senate. She currently has the Senate under call and while we watching the chamber slowly fill we are awaiting the actions of Senate Minority...

One Person Can’t Do Two Jobs

In 1972, voters in the State of Minnesota passed the following Constitutional Amendment “To provide for the joint election of the governor and lieutenant governor; to remove the lieutenant governor as the presiding officer of the senate.” The measure passed with...