Redefining the DFL

Mike Erlandson succeeded where few thought to tread in the DFL Central Committee. He was elected DFL Party Chair on the second ballot after squeaking by Mary McEvoy on the first ballot. With support in the 2nd largest decision-making body of the DFL Party, it may be...

Where the Head Goes the Body Will Follow

The new faces of the DFL will be determined at the State Central Committee meeting in Maple Grove High School on Saturday. Based upon a recent DFL survey more than 25% of the 663 delegates are expected not to attend. The principal contest is for the selection of DFL...

DFL Dire Straits

DFLers who attended the Humphrey Day Dinner the previous week were surprised to see a large number of people at the Ranger Party. The DFL’s premier fundraising event was held at the same location. The principal difference is that hardly anyone came. These new...

Senese Out Who’s In?

The runway is cleared now that DFL Party Chair Dick Senese has declared that he will not seek re-election. This was just a formality he wasn’t expected to vie for the post again. After all of the posturing that has occurred since the November election two...