Could There Be Two Infrastructure Bills This Session?

Minnesota Report Observing the Senate Capital Investment Committee on Thursday, provided some interesting information when trying to glean an understanding of the potential for a Bonding Bill. A number of Republican Senators sat flanked by the respective mayors, city...

HIB’s Will Find No Support in the Senate Housing Committee

Minnesota Report We spoke with Sen Rich Draheim (R-20, Madison Lake) regarding activity in his Housing Finance and Policy Committee, and learned a interesting piece of information. The Chair does not support Housing Infrastructure Bonds (HIB) for passage because of...

No Republicans Dare Call It Treason

Minnesota Report The insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6th was nothing short of Treason. Now, because we are a country of laws and not of men, we have a United States Constitution, which allows for innocence before guilt and a trial in a court of law rather...

The Carnahan Consequences

Minnesota Report We find great interest to hear the words of the embattled MNGOP Chair Jennifer Carnahan say she is being subjected to #MeToo and Cancel Culture, when #MeToo is about men and their power over women and not women and their power over other women and...