Labor and Women

In a very well receive overture Ray Waldron Secretary/Treasurer of the AFL-CIO met with the women of the DFL caucus. We understand meeting produced a balanced of dialogue and incorporated listening as well as talking. The presumptive head of the states largest labor...

Other Endorsement News

The Minneapolis Central Labor Union (CLU) endorsed Sharon Sayles-Belton for Mayor of Minneapolis, Paul Ostrow for City Council in Ward 1, Joan Campbell City Council in Ward 2, Brad Johnson City Council in Ward 4, Jackie Cherryhomes for City Council in Ward 5, Brian...

Brommer Announces Retirement

AFL-CIO President Bernard Brommer made it official this week announcing his retirement.  We have been discussing the possibility since the early part of the year and it is good to have been right.  The 34 members of the Executive Council will make the decision on his...

The Role of AFSCME in St Paul

There has been well-published acrimony between Mayor Norm Coleman (R) and the city employees union AFSCME Council 14.  With the selection of his successor pending it seems logical that Council 14 will have a great interest in who becomes the next mayor.  It looks like...


An interesting piece of information came to light after the publication of the last Player’s Page. It seems that acting DOER Commissioner former Rep. Wayne Simoneau wasn’t only a solid labor vote while in the state House, he was MAPE’s legislator of...