Why Are Republicans So Fired Up About Omar?

Rep Ilhan Omar (DFL-60B, Minneapolis) is a constant target for Republican attacks, maybe this is why she spent money from her campaign account for “crisis management.” Recently, there were the charges of inappropriate use of campaign contributions by Re Steve...

Drazkowski Continues to Raise Ethical Issues Regarding Omar

Today, Rep Steve Drazkowski (R-21B, Mazeppa) called on fellow Rep Ilhan Omar (DFL-60B, Minneapolis) to respond and take action with regard to allegations of a violation of Minnesota House Rule 9.20. Omar upon release of her Statement of Economic Interest, which was...

Drazkowski v. Omar

It was surprising to see State Rep Steve Drazkowski (R-21B, Mazeppa) calling out an ethical lapse against State Rep Ilhan Omar (DFL-60B, Minneapolis) yesterday. Fellow legislator accuses Ilhan Omar of using campaign funds for divorce lawyer His line of attack seems to...

New Political Term-July Surprise

Because we have seen many last-minute issues crop up in October that played a significant impact on our November Election the term October Surprise has become part of our political lexicon. i.e. John Grunseth’s Pool Incident, the death of Paul Wellstone Now, we...

Torres Ray Launches First Ad in the 5th CD Race

State Senator Patricia Torres Ray (DFL-63, Minneapolis) has started to ad race in the MN05’s Congressional District contest by putting out a Facebook ad this morning. https://www.facebook.com/TorresRayMN/videos/2190990001176402 We are wondering what other ads we...