Yes, She Really Said That

Minnesota Report Yesterday, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (DFL-MN05) came out swinging and clocked Donald J Trump (R) of whom we refuse to call President, Coward Yes, President No, right in the mouth. (Pow) She quoted him and in each video news report, (Bam) (Double Bam)...

Two Sides Have Formed Regarding Omar’s Comments

Minnesota Report There are staunch defenders and just as staunch opponents to the anti-Semitic tropes advanced by Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (DFL-MN05). Throughout the week and last weekend all of the political programs discussed whether or not the original resolution...

Tonight, the Future Regents May Become Known

Minnesota Report This evening there is a joint DFL caucus with the House and Senate and the topic of discussion is the selection of the four University of Minnesota Regents. The current seats are for the Student Regent, the 5th Congressional District seat and the two...

Walz Administration Starts to Take Shape

Yesterday, the first selections for the Governor-elect Tim Walz and Lt Governor Peggy Flanagan (DFL-MN) were announced. Revenue Commissioner Myron Franz will continue in his current role, former House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher (DFL-Minneapolis) will head the...

Served By the Same Attorney

Here is an interesting side note. Both Keith Ellison (DFL-MN05) and his replacement Rep Ilhan Omar (DFL-60B, Minneapolis) have the same divorce attorney Carla Kjellberg. Guess Michael Avenatti wasn’t available or wouldn’t take the case.  ...