Omar Shows No Loyalty for a Fellow Minnesotan

Minnesota Report Rep Ilhan Omar (DFL-MN05) has shown little attachment to Minnesota at any time since her election to state office. As a state legislator, she made a number of trips nationally to promote her election as the first Somali state legislator. Her election...

Scenes from the MN State Fair

Minnesota Report The 2019 Minnesota State Fair attendance was a record-setting 2,126,551, now granted there was a lot of repeat visitors, but it is impressive none the less. Checks & Balances attended the fair four times and we have a few features of the trips to...

Omar’s Response to Netanyahu

Minnesota Report We just received this release. Rep. Ilhan Omar Statement on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Decision to Deny Her Entry into Israel WASHINGTON – Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) released the following statement after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to...

Word and the Squad v. Mr Vomit

Minnesota Report Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (DFL-MN05) and her fellow members of “The Squad” Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) (D-NY14, Ayanna Pressley (D-MA07) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) have not been silent in their sharp criticism of Donald J Trump (R)...

Email Blocked When Quoting Trump

US & Minnesota Report Here is a funny aside, Checks & Balances has an email distribution list, which anyone can sign-up for, but when we quoted Donald J Trump and the restatement of those quotes by Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (DFL-MN05) in our first paragraph of...