Obama Bounce in Minnesota?

The endorsement yesterday by US Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and Congressman Patrick Kennedy (D-RI01) along with the New York Times endorsement by Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg the previous day gave a resounding boost to US Senator Barak Obama’s (D-IL) campaign.  The...

Other Minnesota Connections for Obama

During the Iowa Caucuses, we heard discussions about the various Minnesota connections to U.S. Senator Barak Obama (D-IL) Presidential campaign.  They included: former DFL Party Executive Director Steve Hildebrand, who is really a South Dakotan, Paul Tewes, an actual...

Ventura’s Disdain for Carpetbagging

The National Governor’s Association conference in Washington D.C. became a platform for Governor Jesse Ventura (RP-MN) to weigh in on national political matters. Viewers of the Sunday morning program Meet the Press were privileged to hear comments from three of...

Tight On Message

Bill Hillsman commented on MPR after the election that is was easy to work with Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN) because he was a professional and came into the studio to get the spot done. In the matter of a few takes the Ventura had the material for his commercials...

An Appetite for Politics

In the tradition of Hillary Clinton v Barbara Bush and their chocolate chip cookie recipes Rep. Edwina Garcia appeals for a more spicy fare. The fundraiser for her Secretary of State campaign is billed as the “Great Garcia Chili Challenge.” The event will...