Effects of Tariffs Cut Both Ways in Minnesota

When Donald J Trump (R) announced the imposition of a 25% tariff on nation states exporting steel and aluminum the benefit to the Iron Range was immediate. Granted, residents of the 8th Congressional District voted for Trump 53.76% compared to 38.27% for Hillary...

Why Are Republicans So Mean Spirited?

What is it that constitutes the Republican anti-government fervor? Is it a commitment to a higher-minded purpose, no. Is it a moral construct, maybe? Most likely it is a dogmatic dedication to disdain, an outright rejection of the concept of a collective, societal...

DFL Chairs’ Race, Should Be No Contest

The DFL Party is going to select its Chair on Saturday in Hinckley, the site of the Great Fire in 1894, Toby’s the home of delicious caramel rolls and Grand Casino.  There delegates have a clear choice between two different administrations, the current one, which has...

Campaign Operatives Discuss the 2016 Election

Yesterday, the MN Government Relations Council, the lobbyists’ state association, held a forum entitled “Before the Ballot Box.” The panel discussion featured: Mike Campbell, Senate GOP; Ben Golnik, House GOP; Alyssa Siems Roberson, Senate DFL and Zach Rodvold,...

Session Set to End Let the Campaign Commence

The legislature is winding down and the end will be as we always have anticipated as an abject failure. The Republican controlled House did not provide a Bonding Bill or a Transportation package and so our crumbling infrastructure will continue its decline. There may...