Tight On Message

Bill Hillsman commented on MPR after the election that is was easy to work with Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN) because he was a professional and came into the studio to get the spot done. In the matter of a few takes the Ventura had the material for his commercials...

C&B 1997: The ’97 Legislature: Speaker Phil Carruthers

House Speaker Phil Carruthers represents House District 47B, which covers Brooklyn Center and part of Brooklyn Park. He has been re-elected to the House five times since 1986. He has been a member of the Taxes/Sales & Income Tax Division, and the Ways & Means...

C&B 1995: The Future of Politics: Lead By Example (Tim Penny)

We asked former Congressman Tim Penny (D-MN) to address the issues of leadership and the challenges we face moving into the 21st century. He provided us with this article in response. Tim has recently published Common Cents, written with journalist Major Garrett,...

C&B 1995: The Future of Politics: Thinker’s Corner (Steven Schier)

    Professor Schier is the head of the political science department at Carleton College, political analyst for WCCO-TV, and commentator for Minnesota Public Radio. Below are excerpts from a November 14, 1995, discussion between Steven Schier and our Editor...