
The Minnesota Republican Party was probably at its most confrontational and some may argue the most futile point in 1994 when the party endorsed Former Rep Allen Quist (R) over incumbent Governor Arne Carlson (R-MN). Hardliner Christian conservatives dominated the...

Republican State Convention Coverage

You may have realized that Checks & Balances did not provide live coverage last weekend at the Republican State Convention in Rochester.  Some of our readers commented that we were being biased in our coverage.  In our defense, we believe it did not warrant the...

What the Session Hath Wrought

The session spin began in earnest as early as the Senate’s adjournment sine die in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, May 17th. On the legislative session, Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe (DFL-02, Erskine) said, ”Take a look at what we gained vs. what the...

C&B 1996: The Moderates: Editor’s Page (Shawn Towle)

The second issue of Checks & Balances focuses on the Minnesota State Legislature, the importance of rational voices, and Minnesota perspectives raised nationwide. In Thinker’s Corner Gustavus Adolphus Professor Christopher Gilbert discusses the role of...

C&B 1996: The Moderates: Thinker’s Corner (Chris Gilbert)

Christopher P. Gilbert is an assistant professor of political science at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter. He is the author of The Impact of Churches on Political Behavior, and a frequent political commentator for Minnesota Public Radio and KTCA-TV. Where Have All...