When Will the Speaker Step Aside?

We listened closely to House Speaker Rep. Margaret Anderson Kelliher’s (DFL-60A, Minneapolis) gubernatorial campaign announcement and got the impression she was entertaining the notion of stepping down as Speaker if she receives the DFL Party endorsement. We thought...

When Will the Speaker Step Aside?

We listened closely to House Speaker Rep Margaret Anderson Kelliher’s (DFL-60A, Minneapolis) gubernatorial campaign announcement and got the impression she was entertaining the notion of stepping down as Speaker if she receives the DFL Party endorsement. We thought...

The End Game Cometh

In preparation for the final hours of the 2007-08 legislative session, we thought some of the conversations we have had with members were worth noting. The Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) linchpin of the tax bill is the 3.9% cap on property taxes. This is generally...

The Pro’s and Con’s of Technology

The wrap up of the DFL Senate Majority Caucus’ Internet Forum resulted in over 280 messages during the week the forums were open. Participants had the opportunity to post their opinions or ask questions about three major Legislative topics: the budget and...