Another MNGOP Hit Piece

Minnesota Report Another distortion piece hit our mailbox yesterday. It again follows the Trump campaign line and put out by the Republican Party of Minnesota. They, like the Trump campaign nationally, are wasting their money trying to target inner city voters to move...

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Have You Subscribed Yet?   If you find what you are reading to be unique, thoughtful and informative, we ask you to subscribe to Checks & Balances. Since our inception on December 8, 1995, we have regularly scooped the Mainstream Media, we have provided...

Minnesota Falls From 1st to 11th in Census Data Collection

National and Minnesota Report During the COVID-19 stay at home period, Minnesota held a venerable position of 1st place in self-directed Census completions, either by completing the forms online or by mail. With this pace we were likely to retain our eight...

MN Republican Party is Towing the Trump Line

Minnesota Report We received a mailing from the Republican Party of Minnesota sent out the registered voters list, which clearly shows along with the television commercials that have begun running, what the Donald J Trump (R) campaign intends to convey. They are...

Trump and Biden’s Messages

National Report Now that both political conventions have ended, we have two competing scenarios to reflect upon. Donald J Trump (R) poses a Doom & Gloom scenario of a Vice-President Joe Biden (D) Presidency. Trump attempted to invoke a Camelot moment on the White...

Presidential Debate Points

National Report When former Vice-President Joe Biden (D) and Donald J Trump (R) are set to debate and US Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Vice-President Mike Pence (R) have their respective debates. We envision two opportunities for Biden to unsettle Trump and Harris...

Trump Campaign Poll, Yes, We’re on the List

Minnesota & National Report Since, Kanye West successfully has filed as a Presidential candidate, the question will be how much harder will people have to organize in North Minneapolis to turnout the vote? Or will the citizens of the Mill City and other areas be...

The Games Republicans Play

Minnesota Report There is little the Senate Republican Caucus can do in divided government to restrict the Executive Branch, but once again they are preparing to dismantle the Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) administration one person at a time by voting not to confirm his...