Nationally, Republicans Fearful of a Nationwide Voting Standard

National Report Fact, Vote-by-Mail if required will be the biggest voter enfranchisement in the history of the United States. It will also produce the largest voter turnout in our nation’s history and it’s a political fact—Republicans greatest Fear—when more people...

Gas Prices Falling Slowly, with Reduced Travel

Minnesota Report The cost of gasoline has not taken as dramatic of a decline as one would think during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Stay-at-Home order. The range in St Paul via Gas Buddy is $1.89-1.57 and with the price of oil floating around $25/barrel one would...

Mayo Clinic Challenging Trump’s Push of Malaria Drugs

Minnesota Report The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN has released a medical advisory in direct response to Donald J Trump’s (R) call of the use of hydroxychloroquine and erythromycin.Guidance on patients at risk of drug-induced sudden cardiac death from off-label...

Walz State of the State 2020

Minnesota Report As he sat in the Governor’s Mansion under a self-imposed 14-day quarantine Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) addressed the current Stay-at-Home situation felt across our state. His comments only addressed this issue and not much else. One would think during...

Legislature Coming Back in Session Tomorrow

Minnesota Report The notice of a Tuesday session came out at 11:25 pm the legislature will reconvene tomorrow to address COVID-19 Workers Compensation legislation. The important information was “Legislative leaders have agreed to reconvene on Tuesday. We will be...

Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 Page

Minnesota Report On Friday, Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) along with Commissioner Jan Malcolm released the State of Minnesota’s comprehensive COVID-19 page on the Department of Health’s Website. Additionally, the MN House also has a page which provides more and...

Trump’s Continued Call for Hydroxychloroquine

National Report In spite of not having scientific support for his position Donald J Trump (R) continues to put forward his contention that the use of Hydroxychloroquine a drug for Malaria and Lupus and Erythromycin a drug for bacterial infections as a panacea to the...

Walz Executive Orders During Pandemic

Minnesota Report As we are in the midst of the second week of the Stay at Home Executive Order 20-20 more orders are coming from Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) to stipulate what options are available to our state’s citizens. Today, Executive Order 20-25 Authorizing Peace...

Scheduled Legislative Activities During the Pandemic

Minnesota Report As you know the legislature is on break until April 14th, but there are teleconferenced meetings scheduled between now and then. The House Rules and Administration is holding a meeting today at 2:20 pm and the Senate COVID-19 Response Working Group is...

Trump Following a Good Idea from Pelosi

National Report The day Donald J Trump (R) signed Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the COVID-19 Response Bill in a White House signing ceremony, which no Democrats were invited to attend, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA12) was discussing the next legislation...