During the COVID-19 Pandemic Don’t Forget About Veterans

Minnesota Report Prior to the start of the stay at home order, Checks & Balances Publisher Shawn Towle was set to have a face-to-face meeting, which became a conference call and then a cancellation with MN Housing and Finance Commissioner Jennifer Leimaile Ho.The...

Federal Candidate Filings and Leadership PACS (MN)

Federal Report The reports for federal candidates show an interesting picture in Q1 of the election cycle. We have list all candidates who have filed. US Senate name office_full party_full state receipts disbursements cash_on_hand_end_period debts_owed_by_committee...

Alcohol From Restaurant to You

Minnesota Report  The House and the Senate have agreed to allow alcohol sales to be purchased from restaurants, during the COVID-19 crisis, but only beer and wine. The problem with this is with liquor stores still open the cost will be higher without an added benefit,...

Caution is the Best Medicine

Minnesota Report As Donald J Trump (R) continues to discuss his preparation and planning, combined with his pressure to open up the United States for business again on May 1st, he does so in a potential conflict with the state’s governors. Here in Minnesota, he will...

What to Expect from the Legislature Today?

Minnesota Report The agenda for the legislature is limited and focused on issues surrounding the COVID-19 Virus and there are a number of ways it is adversely affecting our state. A view of the times for consideration by the House Rules and Legislative Administration...

76 Days After Wuhan Lock Down

Minnesota Report The Chinese lock down of Wuhan started on January 23, and it is being lifted now after 76 days. Theirs was far more astringent than Governor Tim Walz’ (DFL-MN) Stay-at-Home order on March 27th, but using three months as an indicator, we could be...

What the House Looks Like During COVID-19

Minnesota Report Watching yesterday’s proceedings of the Minnesota House of Representatives during the passage of extension of Worker’s Compensation Benefits to First-Responders and other personnel who contract COVID-19 in the course of doing their jobs, was an...