Trump and Biden’s Messages

National Report Now that both political conventions have ended, we have two competing scenarios to reflect upon. Donald J Trump (R) poses a Doom & Gloom scenario of a Vice-President Joe Biden (D) Presidency. Trump attempted to invoke a Camelot moment on the White...

Presidential Debate Points

National Report When former Vice-President Joe Biden (D) and Donald J Trump (R) are set to debate and US Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Vice-President Mike Pence (R) have their respective debates. We envision two opportunities for Biden to unsettle Trump and Harris...

Trump Campaign Poll, Yes, We’re on the List

Minnesota & National Report Since, Kanye West successfully has filed as a Presidential candidate, the question will be how much harder will people have to organize in North Minneapolis to turnout the vote? Or will the citizens of the Mill City and other areas be...

The Games Republicans Play

Minnesota Report There is little the Senate Republican Caucus can do in divided government to restrict the Executive Branch, but once again they are preparing to dismantle the Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) administration one person at a time by voting not to confirm his...


National and Minnesota Report At 1:14:57 on this YouTube Channel, the Minnesota Delegation Votes of 60 for former Vice-President Joe Biden (D) and 31 for US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) were jointly announced last night by US Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and St Paul...

Lesch Is Sole Endorsed DFL House Incumbent Primary Casualty

Minnesota Report It’s likely to have been due to his gender, but of the 40 Primary contests 23 in the House and 17 in the Senate and of the three contested House Primaries with DFL endorsed Incumbents, Rep John Lesch (DFL-66B, St Paul) was the only liability losing to...

Is Minnesota “In Play” in the Presidential Election? Hell No!

Minnesota and National Report We will be the first to say now, and again, if Republicans are so misguided as to believe Minnesota remains in the same place in 2020 as it was in 2016 it is a bet worth taking. Voter turnout fell by 1.7% from 2012, as did overall...

As Frans Heads Out the Door He Provides More Money for the State

Minnesota Report Management and Budget Office Commissioner Myron Frans announced yesterday his departure for a Vice President position at the University of Minnesota. He will be replaced by former MMB Commissioner Jim Schowalter who returns after a stint as CEO of the...