Can Minnesota Prevent Trump from the Ballot?

National & Minnesota Report Because Minnesota became a state just prior to the Civil War (April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865) and the adoption of its constitution on October 13, 1857, and includes Article I Bill of Rights Sec. 9. Treason defined. Treason against the...

More for Your Life at the Fair

Minnesota Report We were on hand to witness and even suggested this picture of US Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and the different firefighter calendar models at the Great-Minnesota-Get-Together. Since this picture was taken on opening day, US Senator Tina Smith (D-MN)...

2023 Minnesota State Fair Polls

Minnesota Report Each year we publish two (nonscientific) polls from the state legislative booths at the fair. Upon completion of the 12-Day August event, the legislative information offices release the results. Historically, we have found issues included in the...

Trump’s Fourth Indictment

National, Georgia Report If the indictment of Donald J Trump (R) results in results in a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) conviction then he should then be referred to as The Diapered Don. This is due to his wearing adult diapers before The...

An Element of the Omnibus Environment Bill is an Economic Engine

Minnesota Report One aspect of HF2310, Omnibus Environment, Climate, and Energy appropriations is its economic boost. Because of the provisions to extend the use of crossbows to all archery hunting options for people below 60, crossbow sales and accessories are having...

Legalization Day

Minnesota Report Celebrate, Celebrate, Dance to the Music. It’s official people can now, legally smoke their own homegrown weed, which will likely become more of a social ill like cigarette smoking soon after it starts. The legal use of cannabis comes with its...

Law Enforcement is Creating a False Concern Over Cannabis DUI’s

Minnesota Report The diatribe from law enforcement trying to establish irrational fears over our highways and streets being overrun by more people Driving While High, is utter BS. We believe there will be no significant increase in this statistic because the people...

A Phillip’s Presidential Bid is a Way to Elevate His Profile

Minnesota & National Report In 2016, when US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) challenged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D) the was a significant distinction between the two she was a legitimate Democratic candidate and he was a construction of a made-up term...

Axios Swing Voters Survey Echoes the Beginning of Checks & Balances

Minnesota Report As people start to speculate on the impact of the 2023 legislative session on the 2024 State House Elections the questions about what became law will mainly be shaped by where people reside and whether they received a direct benefit. On balance, if a...

Identifying and Labeling AI

Minnesota Report As Congress, Legislators, and Regulators discuss the impact of the variety of industries and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we believe an important question is over the politics of origination. Being able to track where something comes...