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If you are reading Checks & Balances, it is clear you find value in it and so we ask for your support. This endeavor started in 1995, has remained at the forefront of political reporting, regularly scooping other media sources and providing an insider’s...

Expectations for Walz’ First Proposed Budget

Minnesota Report We have heard only limited information in advance about the elements of Governor Tim Walz’ (DFL-MN) 2020-21 Budget. He is set to announce it at 12:00 PM today. We know there will be a proposed gasoline tax increase and an additional amount of funding...

Ellison Fulfills Campaign Pledge to Oppose Trump

Minnesota Report Yesterday, Attorney General Keith Ellison (DFL-MN) announced his decision to join the opposition to Donald J Trump’s (R) National Emergency Declaration over the southern border wall. The suit initiated by California Attorney General Xavier Becarra...

2019 U of MN Regent’s Selection in Committee

Minnesota Report Last night in room 200 of the State Office Building, the joint committee of the House & Senate Higher Education Committees met to select their recommendations to the full legislature for four University of Minnesota Regents which included the...

Klobuchar’s Path to the Nomination

Minnesota Report As we have begun to analyze the 2020 Presidential Race, while still awaiting all of the entrants, we see a dual track to the nomination forming. First, is the traditional liberal route, where the candidates have track records of accomplishment in...

Big 10 Strategy for Klobuchar

Minnesota Report As we listened to US Senator Amy Klobuchar’s (DFL-MN) announcement we heard her refer to our neighbors to the east Wisconsin and Michigan not getting enough attention during the 2016 election. As the ever-growing field of candidates expands it will be...

As Anticipated, It Was a Snowy Affair

Minnesota Report US Senator Amy Klobuchar’s (DFL-MN) Presidential Campaign Announcement was exactly as we expected. It was cold, snowy and didn’t have much in the way of visuals other than a blanket of white. In fact, people couldn’t even see the cityscape of...

Enhanced Legislative Deadlines

Minnesota Report On January 31, the House proposed a set of legislative deadlines in a Concurrent Resolution and sent them to the Senate.  The resolution accounted for the three traditional dates reflected here: First Deadline March 15th advance in the house of...