Creation of the Imperial Presidency

National & Minnesota Report In an unprecedented, and clear threat to out democracy, the US Supreme Court ruling on TRUMP v. UNITED STATES, which by title, is a clear and succinct declaration of what the case really means, it’s Donald J Trump against the United...

How to Protect Our Democracy Now, and for the Future

National & Minnesota Report The closeness of the US Senate and the House is what is impinging our nation. The need for full recognition of our nations citizens in an unrepresented political subdivision has existed far too long and it’s time for full recognition...

Beware of Project 2025

National & Minnesota Report Steve Bannon of Breitbart News entered a federal prison in Connecticut yesterday on the same day as the US Supreme Court Ruled to relatively allow for a seated President to have unfettered immunity. The reason for his incarnation is the...

Dead Man Walking

National & Minnesota Report The slack jawed, deer in the headlights performance in Thursday’s debate by President Joe Biden (D) is a matter for great concern. The question over whether he has the capacity to fulfill duties of the office are legitimate. In order to...

Trump Takes Three on the Chin

National & Minnesota Report Yesterday, three of the high profiles candidates in federal races endorsed Donald J Trump (R) loss in their primary contests Colorado, Nevada and South Carolina. The most notable was in the US Senate race to succeed Sen Mitt Romney (R)...

A Look at the 2024 House Races with a Statistical View of Races in Play

Minnesota Report The Minnesota State House Districts which both legislative caucuses are targeting and in play this election and not that hard to figure out. The factors used for determining where resources are applied stem from specific retirements if applicable and...

What Biden Should Say in Tomorrow’s Debate

National & Minnesota Report There is a simple set of things President Joe Biden (D) needs to say that will set the tone for the 2024 Presidential Election against Donald J Trump (R), and if we were advising him, it would be a simple clear and declarative sentence....