Kill the Rumors About Tina Smith

Minnesota Report On Friday, on Almanac a question was asked of the members of the couch about future plans for US Senator Tina Smith (D-MN), who is not up for election until 2026, as to whether or not she will be seeking reelection. We spoke with her over the weekend...

Dr Death and the Center of Controversy

Minnesota Report Nicknames in political contests maybe fleeting, but other times they are apropos. Because Republican Gubernatorial nominee, former Senator Dr Scott Jensen (R-MN) has opted out of any COVID-19 vaccinations some have taken to referring to him as Dr...

Special Session Update-???

Minnesota Report Discussions we are having with the members of the Republican Senate Majority, which we see as the essential element, to whether a Special Session occurs, are split. We are hearing assessments of 50/50, but largely contingent of whether the three...

Bank Interchange Fee Regulations

National Report In 2010, the Dodd-Frank Act passed, and it originally was intended to protect consumers from the wild speculative nature banks had been pursuing. The underregulated banking industry was operating very cavalier in its loan practices, and was not...

Ability to Have a Special Session Easier After Filing Deadline

Minnesota Report Well, its June 1st, and yesterday was the last day to file for office in 2022, and the significance is now, no one can file against an incumbent and they are free to make decisions which will impact the state, openly and honestly. Yes, the is an...

Primary Field is Set

Minnesota Report Well, the political play-offs begin in earnest today. We know the cast of characters set to take the field. The vast number of legislative retirements, 55, is not the largest ever seen, but quite significant, when including staff retirements, the...

Its Finstad v Ettinger & Two Potheads

National & Minnesota The results of Tuesday’s Special Primary in the 1st Congressional District, finally solidified on the Republican side later Wednesday.  With former state Rep. Brad Finstad (R-MN01) carrying the day with 13,695 for 38.12% over current State Rep...