National & Minnesota

The results of Tuesday’s Special Primary in the 1st Congressional District, finally solidified on the Republican side later Wednesday.  With former state Rep. Brad Finstad (R-MN01) carrying the day with 13,695 for 38.12% over current State Rep Jeremy Munson (R-23B, Crystal Lake). The 10-person field had a number of nonperformers including the wife of deceased Congressman Jim Hagedorn (R-MN01) and Ousted GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan (R-MN01) who barely climbed out of the basement with 2,887 or 8.04%.

On the Democratic side, Hormel Executive Jeff Ettinger (D-MN01) outpaced the field handily with 12,130 votes or 64.44%, with the closest challenger was Sarah Brakebill-Hacke (D-MN01) who received 2,482 votes or 13.24%. The Dumpster Fire Candidate Richard Painter (D-MN01) had a pitiful performance with 1718 votes or 9.13%.

Both of the pot party candidates were unopposed. The Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis nominee is Haroun McClellan (GLC-MN01) and he received a pitiful 194 votes and the Legalize Marijuana Now nominee is Richard B Reisdorf (LMN-MN01) who received an abysmal 363 votes, but each will likely cut into Ettinger.

If we were to use the turnout as an indicator of interest the Republican turnout was 35,930 compared to the Democratic turnout with 18.885 votes.

To see the entirety of the results, click here