The Drug Epidemic Evident on the LRT Everyday

Minnesota Report As we left the State Revenue Building and caught the Light Rail Transit back to the State Capitol, we were once again shocked at the unmitigated chaos on the train. As soon as we boarded, which we will point out was only the fourth stop on the line...

ICYMI: The House is Finally Open to the Public

Minnesota Report The State Office Building, finally opened its doors on Monday. Now, things are back to nearly a semblance of regular order. The Senate Office Building was opened up last legislative session under Republican control and remained so this legislative...

Legislative Committee Deadlines

Minnesota Report Because of the speed in which the legislature is moving, the Legislative Committee Deadlines might not be overly significant, but still worth noting. Announced on January 12, they are: Committee Deadlines 1st deadline – March 10, 2023. 2nd...

As Anticipated, Calls for Proportionality on Senate Committees

Minnesota Report We were fairly confident sparks were set to fly on the floor of the Senate yesterday and right we were. The proceedings took eight hours and the major bones of contention were offered up by former GOP House members who now have the luxury of a...

Senate Set to Allow Remote Floor Privileges

Minnesota Report Another Issue of concern is something we became accustomed to during the pandemic, which is remote session participation. During the discussion, Senate Majority Leader Kari Dziedzic (DFL-60, Minneapolis) talked about female members who had born...

Expectations of More Joint Committee Hearing and Pre-Conferred Bills

Minnesota Report We are hearing about the possibility of joint action on certain pieces of legislation in order to expedite their passage. In the legislative vernacular, these are call Pre-Conferred Bill. It has been a longtime since a piece of legislation, except a...

House Set to Reopen Next Week

Minnesota Report On Tuesday, entrants into the State Office Building were disappointed to find the doors to the legislative floors still closed to the public. This is directly opposite of the Senate, which remains as it was under Republican control open and accessible...

Speaker Emmer?

National and Minnesota Report As we are watching the the Speaker’s election in Washington DC, and the problems Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-20, CA) is having, we think an open speculation about the possibility of Congressman Tom Emmer (R-6, MN) being a...

Expected Floor Fight Today in Senate

Minnesota Report We understand there will be lots of bluster and opposition occurring today on the floor of the state Senate over the various policies, procedures and committee positions from the Senate Republicans. One factor is likely the number of seats the...

Getting the Last-Minute Kinks Out

Minnesota Report It shouldn’t be a surprise to any Capitol observer, that the Senate runs on it own schedule and speed. We have noticed there are still some vacancies to be filled, specifically Legislative Assistants for a couple of members. Some voicemails are still...