Looking Forward to the Impact of RCV on St Paul Incumbents Now

Minnesota Report Next week, the filings for St Paul City Council will finally open on July 30th. It will be interesting to see the bevy of people who put themselves forward. We will be watching closely in Wards 0ne, Five and Six who puts their names on the dotted...

Is It the Wonder Twins, or the Avengers?

US and Minnesota Report Its a DC vs Marvel question. US Senator Amy Klobuchar’s Presidential fundraising figures are in and they are reasonably respectable for a US Senate campaign, but low in the Presidential expectation game. We are hearing reports that Klobuchar...

Yes, She Really Said That

Minnesota Report Yesterday, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (DFL-MN05) came out swinging and clocked Donald J Trump (R) of whom we refuse to call President, Coward Yes, President No, right in the mouth. (Pow) She quoted him and in each video news report, (Bam) (Double Bam)...

Real Result, DFL Lost a Senate Seat for Nothing

Minnesota Report Politically, the resignation of Tony Lourey as Commissioner of Public Health only means one thing, based on a selfish, not thought out the political decision the DFL lost a Senate seat for nothing. Sure, people may speculate as to why Lourey left,...

Watch the Smoke in California

Minnesota Report If California where its own country it would be the sixth-largest economy in the world. If Minnesota wants to look west to learn how things should be done, they would be well served. On a recent trip to Sacramento, we saw rampant homelessness, but at...


Minnesota Report This election Donald J Trump (R) is the end all and be all focus of the 2020 Presidential Election, just as he was in 2018. Yesterday, he sparred with former Vice-President Joe Biden (D-PA) during their mutual visits to the Hawkeye State. Biden...

Ramsey County Commissioner Special Election

Minnesota Report The filing period to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Blake Huffman (R) after improprieties surfaced with his non-profit development company started on June 4, 2019, and will continue until the end of business June 18th. Currently, the...

A September Special Session or One Earlier

Minnesota Report As different problems arise from the 2019 Legislative Session, failure to pass an emergency insulin program, lack of a Bonding Bill and now the troubles for Minnesota’s Legislative Water Commission, which was formed in 2014, funded in this budget, but...

Lillehaug to Retire

Minnesota Report State Supreme Court Justice David Lillehaug announces his decision to retire from the bench rather than seeking reelection in 2020. His announcement comes after a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease. The announcement from Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN)...

Progress Toward a Special Session

Minnesota Report Throughout the day we have been receiving notice of hearings for each respective side on a specific bill, but not for the full Conference Committee to have a public hearing. Yesterday and today, leadership has stepped in, mainly on the House side to...