Feb 3, 2020
Minnesota Report The annual filings for the different parties and caucuses were due last week and as it is our tradition we compile them for your perusal. DFL Party (MN DFL Central Committee) Total Receipts 3,555,902.52 Total Expenditures and Disbursements...
Jan 31, 2020
National Politics With the vote pending on the calling of witnesses in the Impeachment Trial of Donald J Trump (R), and an expectation the call will fail due to the Republican Majority control we believe this constitutes the codification of the Imperial Presidency as...
Jan 31, 2020
National Politics The US v Them mentality in US Politics has been labeled as Tribalism. The concept of there being a Blue Brain and a Red Brain was first voiced in a 1994 survey in England, and later it was documented in a study in 1997. It was again the focus of...
Jan 31, 2020
Minnesota Politics On Saturday, the DFL Senate Minority Caucus will meet and discuss whether or not they will hold a vote on their leadership moving now, or wait for the normal vote after the election. The contest is a challenge by current Assistant Minority Leader...
Jan 27, 2020
National Politics The religious statement one often hears when someone thought to be a religious person is found to have committed some transgression of the law, is “Love the sinner, but not the sin.” This seems to be a constant task for Republicans regarding Donald J...
Jan 27, 2020
National Politics In spite of being stuck in Washington, DC due to the impeachment trial, while the non-Senators campaign across Iowa, US Senator Amy Klobuchar’s (D-MN) Presidential Campaign did well on the political talk show circuit on Sunday and also received...
Jan 27, 2020
Minnesota Report Until the rise of Donald J Trump (R) the fear of others knowing how one votes was a minor consideration. But now, when we regularly hear the vitriol and lies spouted from the podium of the President the fear factor becomes far more real. First off,...
Jan 27, 2020
National Report Much has been discussed about the devolution into tribalism in the American Electorate. In 2003, http://tribe.net was born and it was an attempt to gather together likeminded people with similar interests. This form of tribalism in the social media...
Jan 14, 2020
Minnesota Report Yesterday’s, press conference by the Republican Senate majority discussed much of what they had done in the past legislative session and more what they would like to do during the 2020 session. The issues and initiatives advanced by Senate Majority...
Jan 14, 2020
Minnesota Report Face it, roads, bridges, transit and all forms of transportation fixes and improvements all cost significant amounts of money. Republicans are calling for the use of some cash for projects rather than creating long-term obligations through state...