Osmek Holds the Big Gavel

Minnesota Report Sen David Osmek (R-33, Mound) has been selected by his colleagues in the Senate Republican Caucus to suceed Jeremy Miller (R-28, Winona) as the President of the Senate. He receipt of the gavel will occur the next the body convenes.

America’s Haitian Policies Always Have Been Racist

Federal Report As we see Haitians at the Southwestern border gathering under the Del Rio Bridge and then being forced onto plane destined for return to Haiti and her calls of Racism, we are not surprised. American immigration policies have never favored migration from...

Omar Part of the Problem or the Solution?

Federal and State Report Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-06-MN) is a very vocal element in the Congressional group called the Squad. We dubbed her with the superheroine moniker Word awhile back. As The House debates the two key bills the $1.2 Trillion Bipartisan backed...

Bernstein Deems Republican Trump Supporters as Social Secessionists

Federal Report Today, on CNN, famed Washington Post Reporter Carl Bernstein called it as he sees it and clearly identified Republican Donald J Trump (R), akin to civil war secessionists and identifies their mere existence as a threat to democracy. Now, this is not the...

Why Minneapolis Municipal Elections Results are Actual Lies

Minnesota Report In Minneapolis, if you fail to select a candidate, who is not one of the final two finishers your ballot is deemed “Exhausted,” and you have been functionally disenfranchised. We thought this was an egregious issue on its own, but not we understand,...

Redistricting Eric Eskola Style

Minnesota Report We have conceived of a novel idea, which we have always attributed to Eric Eskola of WCCO Radio and TPT Almanac fame, who posed the question of a 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 budget solution of 1999 at a gubernatorial press conference. When Reform Party Governor...