How Political Tribalism Risks Becoming Political Cannibalism

National & Minnesota Report What is most evident in the Donald J Trump (R) Mega Movement and the counterclaims offered up and attacked by the Trumpers such as the agendas presented by the left from Climate Change Environmentalism, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives...

It is Official, Summer Olympic Trials Coming to Minnesota in 2024

Minnesota Report Minnesota will be the final stop on the journey to the Olympic Games Paris 2024 when it hosts the 2024 U.S. Olympic Team Trials – Gymnastics, USA Gymnastics and Minnesota Sports and Events announced Tuesday. Highlighted by the Olympic Trials,...

The Debt Ceiling Debate and the 14th Amendment

National and Minnesota Report The rights found in the 14th Amendment grow more, important in our minds every time it is invoked. We have argued repeatedly, the use of Ranked Choice Voting is a violation of bother the Equal Protection and the Due Process Clause, and...

Truth in Labeling or a New Informative Typographic Symbol (AI)

National and Minnesota Report Since US Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) along with Senators Corey Booker (D-NJ) and Michael Bennet  (D-CO) have called for REAL Political Ads Act, we believe she should push further and provide a requirement for all Artificial Intelligence...

Beaker McCarthy and Other Muppets

National and Minnesota Report As we listen to US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA20) rationales for limiting the National Debt, we wonder where was his pushback against Donald J Trump (R). His constant critique is disingenuous and warrants specific context. Trump...

A Break in the Capital Investment Conundrum

Minnesota Report As we have learned, yesterday at 1:40 am Senate Republicans ascended to the political reality, if they want to have any of their projects funded this legislative session, they had to play ball and vote for a Bonding Bill. This borrowed money component...

Minnesota Set to Become 23rd State to Legalize Recreational Marijuana

Minnesota Report The bill is headed to Governor Tim Walz’ (DFL-MN) to be signed and our state will join 22 others in ending Refer Madness. Prior to the consortium orchestrated attack on the smokable product—the likes of William Randolph Hearst, due to his publishing...

Combined Nursing Homes & Childcare Facilities

Minnesota Report As people grow older, they often are treated similarly as they were when they were children. In this reality, people are experiencing greater burdens on their family finances, at the beginning and the later stages of life, so why not have a facility...

Passed and Pending (2nd Update)

Minnesota Report A state-paid family and medical leave program and tighter gun control legislation are headed to Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) for his signature. Walz has signed 40 pieces of legislation to arrive on his desk. Governor Approval (40) It will be a working...

Transportation Bill and Added Revenue Enhancements

Minnesota Report As things move forward in the Transportation Conference Committee on HF2887/SF3157, a delivery fee is again in the crosshairs. Because it is a flat fee, it will impact large and small operations differently. During the debate, testimony was offered by...