The Value of Voter Data and the Weaponization of Party Identification

Minnesota Report Until the rise of Donald J Trump (R) the fear of others knowing how one votes was a minor consideration. But now, when we regularly hear the vitriol and lies spouted from the podium of the President the fear factor becomes far more real. First off,...

Trump’s Tribe

National Report Much has been discussed about the devolution into tribalism in the American Electorate. In 2003, was born and it was an attempt to gather together likeminded people with similar interests. This form of tribalism in the social media...

Republican 2020 Vision, Hindsight or Foresight

Minnesota Report Yesterday’s, press conference by the Republican Senate majority discussed much of what they had done in the past legislative session and more what they would like to do during the 2020 session. The issues and initiatives advanced by Senate Majority...

Tackling the Transportation Funding Problem

Minnesota Report Face it, roads, bridges, transit and all forms of transportation fixes and improvements all cost significant amounts of money. Republicans are calling for the use of some cash for projects rather than creating long-term obligations through state...

Klobuchar’s Presidential Fundraising Numbers

National Elections Early reports about US Senator Amy Klobuchar’s (D-MN) Presidential fundraising numbers at $11.4 million. We thought these warranted a bit of scrutiny to see how well she faired from within Minnesota compared to the rest of the nation. Overall, her...