Passage of Laws in the 2024 Legislative Session

Minnesota Report To date, there have been 24 bills presented to Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) and all have been signed into law. The question remains whether or not any proposed Constitutional Amendments will be on the November...

Passed and Pending (2nd Update)

Minnesota Report A state-paid family and medical leave program and tighter gun control legislation are headed to Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) for his signature. Walz has signed 40 pieces of legislation to arrive on his desk. Governor Approval (40) It will be a working...

Republican Legislators Struggle to Be Relevant

Minnesota Report The political reality for Republicans in the state legislature is hard to accept, but when you are in the Minority you are out of power except for voting for a Bonding Bill. The DFL Trifecta as long as it remains intact, is virtually unstoppable. The...

Senate Majority Leader Dziedzic Announces Cancer Diagnosis

Minnesota Report Last evening, via press release, Senate Majority Leader Kari Dziedzic (DFL-60, Minneapolis) announced a cancer diagnosis, first detected in December. This personal challenge is also a political one because of the close 34-33 DFL Majority and shows the...