Republican Legislative Majorities Require a Statewide Leader

With the prognostication about the potential legislative majority shift, we thought an analysis of past elections could prove this hill to be quite steep for House Republicans. The principal reason is the lack of a strong candidate at the top of the ticket driving...

Are There Leadership Woes for Seifert?

Republican Party operatives are wondering out loud as to the state of the Republican Party this election due to endorsements of legislative candidates at various local party unit conventions. In three separate instances, delegates endorsed candidates not recommended...

Vice President Scenario

As we look past the results of the 2004 Presidential election some realities set in. President George W Bush (R) is limited to two–terms of office and it was the brilliance of Republicans in 1951 after four-terms for Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D) that brought about...

Campaign Finance Hearings

During the regular legislative session, we were informed that there would be hearings held during the off session by Governmental Operations & Veterans Affairs Policy Committee Chair Rep Jim Rhodes (R-44B, St. Louis Park) and Elections Subcommittee Chair Rep Eric...

Unbending and Immobile

Frequently it is easy to move an incumbent around like a bull with a ring in its nose during an election year.  This is not so in the case of US Senator Rod Grams (R-MN).  Grams is maintaining his stance in support of the Freedom to Farm Act which to many should be...