Its Finstad v Ettinger & Two Potheads

National & Minnesota The results of Tuesday’s Special Primary in the 1st Congressional District, finally solidified on the Republican side later Wednesday.  With former state Rep. Brad Finstad (R-MN01) carrying the day with 13,695 for 38.12% over current State Rep...

MPR Debate in 1st Congressional District

Minnesota and National Report Today, on MPR Congressman Jim Hagedorn (R-MN08) and DFL Endorsed Candidate Dan Feehan (D-MN08) faced-off. Shortly, after the completion we received the following Fact Checks from the Feehan Campaign and thought they were worth noting. In...

Trump’s Guilt by Omission

National and Minnesota Report Three major questions that are not being answered by Donald J Trump (R), the White House or his doctors. When was his last negative test? This is significant because it will clarify if he was contagious on Tuesday Night, during the...

Feehan Should Push Hagedorn on COVID, Hard

Minnesota and National Report In this election, every race is not about the actual competitors, it’s about Donald J Trump (R) .Since the 1st Congressional District is home to the prestigious Mayo Clinic, and because of the significance of it in the region both...

Will a Trump Defeat Decimate the Republican Party?

National and Minnesota Report Stuart Stevens, as a Republican operative, is accepting responsibility for Donald J Trump (R) and is broadcasting the fact, the GOP is steeped in racism and bigotry. Last night, in an interview on the Newshour, based on his recently...