National and Minnesota Report

Three major questions that are not being answered by Donald J Trump (R), the White House or his doctors.

  1. When was his last negative test?

This is significant because it will clarify if he was contagious on Tuesday Night, during the debate.  Which might have been a reason for his irrational, adversarial behavior. If it was Wednesday then, he maliciously came here to Minnesota, knowing full well he was a carrier. Or, if Thursday at the same time Hope Hicks positive test results were released then definitely when he went to New Jersey.

Because asymptomatic people are more contagious 72-96 hours before symptoms appear Congressmen Jim Hagedorn (R-MN01), Tom Emmer (R-MN06) and Pete Stauber (R-MN08) might be at-risk, especially Hagedorn because his immune system is currently compromised while he is fighting colon cancer. All should be isolating.

  1. What organs show signs of COVID damage?

We will learn whether or not he truly had a mild case.

  1. Why won’t the White House allow contact tracing and show the actual impact of Trump as a carrier and the total number of people who have contracted the virus, including White House staff, Secret Service and attendees at the Amy Coney Barrett Roselawn Ceremony?

Right now, Trump is the equivalent to Typhoid Mary he is COVID Trump.