Fear, Loathing, and Contempt in the US Senate

National Report In Washington, DC politics, the concept of entitlement comes into play often, but instead of being about what is a just do from the government as a social program, which fiscal conservatives look askance at, a different well used political statement is...

The Imperial Presidency

National Politics With the vote pending on the calling of witnesses in the Impeachment Trial of Donald J Trump (R), and an expectation the call will fail due to the Republican Majority control we believe this constitutes the codification of the Imperial Presidency as...

Do Republicans Endorse Trump’s Actions?

National Politics The religious statement one often hears when someone thought to be a religious person is found to have committed some transgression of the law, is “Love the sinner, but not the sin.” This seems to be a constant task for Republicans regarding Donald J...

Exposing a Fraud

Minnesota & National Report The second week of Impeachment Hearings will continue to dominate our television stations, resulting in many conversations amongst pundits and continue to expose the political divides in our society. The series of testimonies from the...

McCollum Joins Calls for Impeachment of Trump

[catlist currenttags=”yes” conditional_title=”Archives on These Topics”] Yesterday, Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-MN04) notified the public of her signature as a cosponsor of Article of Impeachment against President Donald J Trump (R) the day...