Drazkowski v. Omar

It was surprising to see State Rep Steve Drazkowski (R-21B, Mazeppa) calling out an ethical lapse against State Rep Ilhan Omar (DFL-60B, Minneapolis) yesterday. Fellow legislator accuses Ilhan Omar of using campaign funds for divorce lawyer His line of attack seems to...

New Political Term-July Surprise

Because we have seen many last-minute issues crop up in October that played a significant impact on our November Election the term October Surprise has become part of our political lexicon. i.e. John Grunseth’s Pool Incident, the death of Paul Wellstone Now, we...

Will Farmers Be Hoodwinked By Farm Subsidies?

Farmers have weaned themselves off of farm subsidies, but will the proposal by Donald J Trump to provide $12 billion in subsidies to farmers be another welfare bailout. Trump is trying to ameliorate the problem he created through a pay-off. The soybean market has felt...

Campaign Finance Reports for MN Federal Races

Today, the actual campaign finance numbers for the various federal campaigns are being posted on the FEC.gov site. The numbers started rolling out slowly, but we stepped behind the scenes found information from the raw reports, and we will be updating as any new...

Torres Ray Launches First Ad in the 5th CD Race

State Senator Patricia Torres Ray (DFL-63, Minneapolis) has started to ad race in the MN05’s Congressional District contest by putting out a Facebook ad this morning. https://www.facebook.com/TorresRayMN/videos/2190990001176402 We are wondering what other ads we...

Franken Will Be Missed in the Kavanaugh Vetting Process

When Trump Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee US Senator Al Franken (D-MN) was by far the most poignant and effective critic of the nominee. Now, without Franken, we will be left to our Senior Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)...

MAK Reports Campaign Finance Numbers Early

In an attempt to show some reality in the hype associated with the race for the MN05 Congressional District seat the former House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher (D-MN05) campaign released their fundraising totals, which, we know are ahead of the goal set for the...

Women Winning Set to Endorse in CD05

We learned last night Women Winning is set to endorse the least accomplished candidate in the field for Congressional District 05, Rep Ilhan Omar (DFL-60B, Minneapolis) over former House Speaker and Gubernatorial Candidate Margaret Anderson Kelliher (D-MN05) and Sen...

Waiting for the 30th of June

Saturday, June 30th is not just the end of the fiscal year, it is the end of the 2nd quarter and the only financial report we will see prior to the August 14th Primary for Federal candidates. We will be interested in seeing the amounts raised, spent and on-hand for...