Mar 19, 2019
National Report One theme we would like to see discussed is the end of septuagenarians as Presidential candidates. The United States should respect it’s elderly, but we have all seen the costs born by people who hold the office, and how they age before our eyes. The...
Mar 19, 2019
National Report Former Congressman Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) entered the Presidential field with quite a splash, but he also has a backdrop. Because we are nearly 11 months before the start of the 2020 Presidential cycle we will see if his candidacy gains traction or...
Mar 19, 2019
Minnesota Report It is true elections have consequences, and that no election is like another, but the value of holding an election certificate empowers one to make every decision in light of a series of factors when casting a vote. One fact, the one-person in control...
Mar 19, 2019
Minnesota Report Because of the tariffs imposed on China by Donald J Trump (R), Minnesota needs to change is Agricultural mix. The mono-cultural growing of corn and beans (soybeans) will not be as productive since China was the largest consumer of soybeans and because...
Mar 12, 2019
Minnesota Report Yesterday, in the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Finance Committee Chair Warren Limmer (R-34, Maple Grove) allotted a half hour per side for the proponents and the opponents to voice their respective positions on the legalization of recreational...
Mar 12, 2019
Minnesota Report There are staunch defenders and just as staunch opponents to the anti-Semitic tropes advanced by Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (DFL-MN05). Throughout the week and last weekend all of the political programs discussed whether or not the original resolution...
Mar 12, 2019
Minnesota Report The meeting of the joint DFL House and Senate caucuses last week did not resolve the conflicts for the selection of the four seats up for consideration. This year the Student seat, the 5th Congressional District seat and two At-Large seats are being...
Mar 12, 2019
Minnesota Report Democrats from across the nation will descend upon Milwaukee July 13-16th to nominate their candidate for President. This will be an opportunity to highlight the importance of midwestern values and will heighten the impact of the region outside of...
Mar 6, 2019
Minnesota Report Yesterday, during the Responsible on Cannabis press conference we coined a new term DW High. We asked the following questions of Rep Carlos Mariani Rosa (DFL-65A, St Paul). Also present were Health and Human Services Chair Rena Moran DFL-65B, St...
Mar 6, 2019
Minnesota Report This evening there is a joint DFL caucus with the House and Senate and the topic of discussion is the selection of the four University of Minnesota Regents. The current seats are for the Student Regent, the 5th Congressional District seat and the two...