The Delay that Got the COVID-19 Bill Inline

Minnesota Report As the number of reported cases increases to two the legislature takes action. Yesterday, the State Senate acted quickly on SF3813 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health response planning and preparation appropriation, authored by Sen Jerry...

Bill to Ban Ranked Choice Voting to be Heard Wednesday Night

Minnesota Report The State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee Chair Mary Kiffmeyer (R-30, Big Lake) will hear Sen Mark Koran’s (R-32, North Branch) bill SF3385 Ranked-choice voting local government adoption prohibition on Wednesday evening at 6:00...

Got Bernt

Minnesota Report 9:19 am Michael Bloomberg (D-NY) is out of the Democratic Presidential contest. When people looked at the Vice-President Joe Biden (D) campaign last week, it was on life-support and people were ready to put a fork in it. The field of candidates was...

DFL Delegate Allocation

Minnesota Report The DFL Party is reporting the allocation of delegates to the DNC Convention, effecting the 75 apportioned and the 10 PLEO’s (Party Leader and Elected Officials). Vice-President Joe Biden-38 + 5 PLEO US Sen Bernie...

Sander’s Billionaire Argument is a False Posit

National and Minnesota Report When we attended the US Bernie Sanders (I-VT) rally at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium we chewed on the line about receiving money from billionaires as a logical fallacy. It is a both an appeal  emotion and an appeal to poverty  Billionaires...

How Would Klobuchar Have Done?

National and Minnesota Report  Tonight, it will be hard to fully access the depth of US Sen Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) support in the Primary election, because the results will roll-in sporadically, but we believe watching the early returns will be the best indicator,...

Sanders Support Stands Strong

National and Minnesota Report Last night, US Sen Bernie Sanders (I-VT) stood in center stage at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium as a victor. He came on a prescheduled appearance to challenge US Sen Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) on her home turf and because she ended her campaign...

Washington Post is Reporting Klobuchar Ending Her Campaign

National and Minnesota Report In a Washington Post article posted at 12:37 pm Amy Klobuchar ends her presidential bid Amy B Wang is reporting “The Senator Nextdoor” is calling it quits. This is interesting because we are only one day away from Super...

Budget Forecast 2002: Slight Improvement

Minnesota Report The February Budget Forecast shows a slight improvement, .02% over November’s as we anticipated. What is missing in any inclusion of data following the outbreak of the Corona virus or COVID-19.  During the presentations by MMB Commissioner Myron...

Republicans Obsession with Photo ID

Minnesota Report Yesterday, Sen Scott Newman’s (R-18, Hutchinson) SF3571 passed the State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee on a party-line vote 5-4. We find this interesting since in 2012, voters rejected this idea 52.16% to 46.16%. The constant...