The Politics of Law Enforcement are Based on Where You Live

Minnesota Report The debate on the State Senate floor yesterday, on a series of bills, SF 1 Sen Warren Limmer  (R-34, Maple Grove) law enforcement training funding, SF 3 Sen Bill Ingebrigsten (R-08, Alexandria) Use of force reporting to the BCA, SF 104 (Limmer) Use of...

Senate Bonding Then and Now (2018 v 2020)

Minnesota Report Two years ago, the Republican controlled State Senate brought forward it’s Capitol Investment Bill, which failed to pass on a party line vote of 34-33, seven votes short of the 2/3rds majority of 41 votes. What is interesting I what the Republicans...

Political Party and Caucus Campaign Finance Reports for Q1 2020

Minnesota Report The Q1 filings for the different parties and caucuses are in and as it is our tradition we compile them for your perusal. DFL Party (MN DFL Central Committee) Total Receipts 2,976,063.50 Total Expenditures and Disbursements 1,979,557.88 Ending Cash...

Three Senate DFLers Support Ending Governor Walz Peacetime Emergency

Minnesota Report Today, both the House and Senate have taken up a Concurrent Resolution SC1 to end Governor Ttim Walz’s (DFL-MN)  Peacetime Emergency Order. The issue is being debated on the floor of the House at this moment and it passed the senate on a 38-29...

Columbus Replaced

Minnesota Report We went to the site of the Christopher Columbus statue and saw an individual squatting in his place. Doug Schiedel sat “Indian Style” atop the pedestal where Columbus once stood and was allowed to stay there by Capitol Police. He was asked by a State...

2020 Special Session Set to Convene

Minnesota Report Yesterday, Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) put forward his expectations for the Special Session tomorrow. He has extended the peacetime emergency, which fosters the need for a Special Session call, but also a number of issues remain unresolved with the...

Columbus Pulled Down from His Position

Minnesota Report Change is coming. The statute of Christopher Columbus on the northeast corner of the Capitol Complex across from the Judiciary Center always seemed oddly placed. Granted, when placed, St Paul was highly influenced by the Roman Catholic Church and St...

Does Trump Even Know What Antifa Is?

National Report The outrage Donald J Trump (R), the self-declared Stable Genius, started when he twittered away about Martin Gugino being a “setup,” after the 75-year-old peace protester was shoved backwards by two Buffalo police officers and his head struck the...

Riotous Trifecta: Anarchists, White Supremacists, and Local Gangs

Minnesota Report When early reports from Mayor Melvin Carter III (DFL-St Paul) stated the protesters and rioters arrested were mainly from out-of-town it seemed like a narrative was being set, which was later proven false.Our discussions with anyone associated with...

Democrats are Providing the Republican Definitive

Minnesota Report With cries to defund or dismantle the police, and declarations to do so, especially when coming from the Minneapolis City Council, Democrats are giving energy to Donald J Trump (R) and the Republicans. Stoking fears in surrounding communities of...