What Drove the Crow Wing County Board to Act Like a Bunch of Wingnuts?

Minnesota Report On a 4-1 vote, the Crow Wing County Board voted to call for an election audit, in spite of the fact Donald J Trump carried the vote 63.91% over Joe Biden 34.17%. When all but Commissioner Steve Barrows (District 3) voted in favor we then ask if former...

What is the Debate Over Election Integrity All About?

National and Minnesota Report The crux of the debate is the result and whether of not, your person won. This is not democracy, it’s a foregone conclusion and a foist of one perspective on a voting population. On Friday, New York Times Columnist David Brooks said on...

Sportsbook a Viable Financial Instrument to Pay for Venues

Minnesota Report During the debate over a new Viking’s Stadium in the 2012 session, in which a bill finally passed, we had broadly discussed the idea of using Sports Book gambling as a funding source, prior to the US Supreme Court’s decision Murphy v. National...

Today, Redistricting Oral Arguments Commence

Minnesota Report Shortly, the oral arguments being made by the plaintiffs in the Wattson v. Simon case along with the intervenors, Peter Wattson, the lead is former Senate Counsel with significant involvement in past redistricting efforts); the Anderson Plaintiffs...

The Iron Range’s Similarity with West Virginia

National and Minnesota Report As the ongoing dispute with Sen Joe Manchin (D-WV) continues over President Joe Biden’s (D) Build Back Better Plan continues we view the negotiations in a similar light as negotiation with members of the Iron Range Delegation were. Some...

Ignorance Is Not Blissful for Democratic Socialists

Minnesota Report Webster’s defines ignorance as a lack of knowledge, understanding, or education. In politics, all are part of the process and each are achieved over the course of time. Those who argue for a big tent in the Democratic Party may be doing so for a...

Treat Every Dollar Like Every Other Dollar

Minnesota Report Income tax is the problem at the federal level and the reason is every dollar is not treated the same. Investment income is tax at a different rate than waged income and when Warren Buffett decries the fact, he pays less in taxable income than his...

Lack of Faith in Dr Jensen’s Negotiating Prowess

Minnesota Report When you come with the title of Doctor then trust is baked into the formula. So, it is why, when the negotiations over Insulin was placed in Dr Scott Jensen’s (R-47, Chaska) people deferred to the doctor and believed when he said, if Minnesota struck...

The DFL Party Dodges a Bullet

Minnesota Report Earlier this week, the DFL Party State Executive Committee considered and firmly rejected to the formation of a constituency caucus called Democratic Socialists. Now, yes, it is clear, there are hard-left leaning politicians and individuals that...