Jenson’s Logical Fallacy and Fearmongering in Carjacking Ad

Minnesota Report Crime is often an issue Republicans deploy to unsettle the electorate and instill fear as a factor in an election. The latest commercial by the Scott Jensen (R-MN) campaign has sunk to a new low in Minnesota campaign advertising. The ad entitled...

Second Guessing Walz’ Response to the COVID Pandemic

Minnesota Report No one likes to take their medicine, which is why they added flavors to it. As we listen to the broad debate around whether Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) exceeded his authority through the use of his Executive Powers during the pandemic and blaming him...

Is Jensen Inadvertently Spreading a False Message

Minnesota Report The Scott Jensen (R-MN) campaign Twitter account is guilty of spreading a false narrative tying Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN05) to the Defund the Police movement, with a photoshopped sign in a picture. At a recent event, with Congresswoman Praymila...

Ellison Challenges Fleet Farm Straw Gun Purchases

Minnesota Report Attorney General Keith Ellison (DFL-MN) took a bold step and brought suit against Wisconsin-based Fleet Farm for allowing straw purchases of firearms tot occur.  In his release, they lay-out the rationale for the suit. Click here to read: Attorney...

Walz Essential Worker Checks’ Letter

Minnesota Report We have received a couple of images from a Checks & Balances supporter who sent us their letter from Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN). In spite of these no longer being called Walz Checks, this letter makes them appear to be. The small amount of $487 is...

Our SoS Makes Time

National and Minnesota Report On August 13, 1973, Governor Wendell Anderson (DFL-MN) graced the cover of Time Magazine hoisting a Northern Pike and the Headline read the “Good Life in Minnesota”.  He helped draw attention to positive steps taking place in our state....

The Battle Over Polls

Minnesota Report When KSTP/SurveyUSA Poll came out showing Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) leading Dr Scott Jensen (R-MN) by 18-points it created quite a stir, because the race appeared insurmountable. Other polls are now showing the race a bit closer, but still an...