Stirring the Pot of Controversy

The St. Paul Legal Ledger may be seeking to have an impact around the Capitol, but I’m sure they didn’t expect it would happen the way it did. It seems that while at lunch in the Capitol Dining area a Legislator, (Gender, Party and Legislative Body...

Humphrey Worker’s Comp Waffle

The support from the AFL-CIO may be up for grabs, but Attorney General Hubert “Skip” Humphrey isn’t winning friends and influencing people with his latest statements. Yesterday, the Chamber of Commerce held a debate amongst seven of the ten...

Beckman v. Gutknecht

The Democratic fortunes of the 1st congressional district may be getting better for those seeking to unseat Congressman Gil Gutknecht. The conservative Republican has remained firmly in place since the departure of Tim Penny. The Gingrich loyalist has fended off...

If You Haven’t Heard it, You Will

People in Republican circles are touting their party’s stronger support for women candidates. In an attempt to garner the women’s vote, and compensate for a poor track record on women’s issues, Republicans are railing against the glass ceiling. They...

North Woods Wins Four Pollies

The firm North Woods Advertising left the American Association of Political Consultants with four awards in tow. Bill Hillsman & Company walked away with four dust catchers for their work during the stadium debate. The placements and categories are as follows:...

DFL Farm Team

Talk around the Capitol in recent months is about the need for a DFL Think Tank. To date, only public institutions like the Humphrey Institute and the DFL Education Foundation have played this role. At the national level the formation of the Democratic Leadership...

Technology Applications

The availability of voter registrations cards has increased steadily during the watch of Secretary of State Joan Anderson Growe. Many innovative ways of have emerged to assist Minnesotan’s in voting. In light of the technology revolution, another idea should be...

DFL Education Foundation Finds Technology

The sole independent Democratic non-profit/Think Tank the DFL Education Foundation has made it into the technology era. The group headed, now by former state rep. Don Ostrom, unveiled its new website. This group discusses and writes about public policy concerns in it...

One Thing After Another

On the heels of the AFL-CIO’s decision not to endorse a candidate, at this time, the AFSCME Peoples Committee has decided not to endorse Mike Freeman. Freeman, by all accounts, was the odds-on favorite. In November, the People’s Committee met and screened...

Norm’s Non-announcement

Flanked by his wife Laurie, and his two children Mayor Norm Coleman (R) announced before God and everyone that he was a candidate for Governor of Minnesota. He imported his parents from New York who stood side by side with his in-laws during the announcement....