4th Congressional District Election Supplement

The attention being given the jockeying in the 4th Congressional District is providing good political drama for the varieties of wonks, armchair pundits, and party activists. Everyone who is a candidate or a presumptive candidate is finding unique ways to convince...

Norm’s Non-announcement

Flanked by his wife Laurie, and his two children Mayor Norm Coleman (R) announced before God and everyone that he was a candidate for Governor of Minnesota. He imported his parents from New York who stood side by side with his in-laws during the announcement....

New Info on the AFL-CIO Poll

Some confusion occurred to person or firm who conducted the AFL-CIO poll. The Peter Hart Firm does polling for the Nation AFL-CIO so some assumed that this firm did the local poll. Seems that it was not the case, the poll appears to have been the work of Lisa Grove...