Fall-off Down the 2018 Primary Ballot

The first race on the ballot generally sets the highwater mark for votes cast on a ballot. Except for this year, where more DFLers voted for Governor than did for the first line on the ballot US Senator and more Republicans voted for the 2nd US Senate race down the...

Impacts of Different Primary Strategies

Attorney General Lori Swanson (DFL-MN) deployed no visible ground game during this Primary Election. Her efforts were direct mail and media ads. Congressman TIm Walz (D-MN01) and Rep Erin Murphy (DFL-64A, St Paul) applied the whole gamut, in addition to mailing,...

Historic Election Turnout Numbers

The numbers from the most recent multi-candidate DFL Primaries are listed below. It is important to note, these numbers are from somewhat different districts because of 2012 redistricting, but they are valid ballpark figures. We have broken out the Seven Metro...

Torres Ray Launches First Ad in the 5th CD Race

State Senator Patricia Torres Ray (DFL-63, Minneapolis) has started to ad race in the MN05’s Congressional District contest by putting out a Facebook ad this morning. https://www.facebook.com/TorresRayMN/videos/2190990001176402 We are wondering what other ads we...

Handicapping the DFL Primary in the CD05

Undoubtedly, the 5th Congressional District has the more far-reaching impact statewide. The turnout figures outpace every other district and the hard leftist bent of Minneapolis is something every other district competes against in statewide races. Since we know this...