2022 Pre-primary Campaign Finance Reports for State House Candidates

Minnesota Report Minnesota House Primary Races Republican House District 03A Blain Johnson Beginning Cash 0.00 Total Receipts 2000.00 Total Expenditures and Disbursements 692.60 Ending Cash Balance 1307.40 Total Debt of Committee 0.00 Roger J Skraba Beginning Cash...

Only the Two Women Leaders Have Home Field Contests on Super Tuesday

National and Minnesota Report When the 14 states hold their presidential primaries, only Minnesota and Massachusetts will have a favorite daughter in the mix. US Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) will be under dual scrutiny both nationally and...

Developments in Senate District 11’s Special Election

Minnesota Report On Saturday, former KBJR News Anchor and female bodybuilder Michelle Lee (DFL-11) received the DFL endorsement for the open seat and today is the Primary. We thought this was surprising because in 2018, when she sought the DFL endorsement for the 8th...

Analyzing the Primary Results By Congressional District

When you look at the Governor Primary Election results by the eight Congressional Districts a few clear points emerge. On the DFL side, Congressman Tim Walz (D-MN01) carried five Congressional Districts, all in Greater MN, but he was competitive in all. He finished...