New Political Term-July Surprise

Because we have seen many last-minute issues crop up in October that played a significant impact on our November Election the term October Surprise has become part of our political lexicon. i.e. John Grunseth’s Pool Incident, the death of Paul Wellstone Now, we...

Thoughts for Pending US Senate Appointee Tina Smith to Consider

When we attended the press conference, announcing Governor Mark Dayton’s (DFL-MN) selection to fill the junior US Senate seat pending Al Franken’s resignation we found the following statement from Lt Governor Tina (Flint) Smith (DFL-MN) interesting, when asked about...

Impact of a Political Letter

Many attribute the election of College Professor Paul Wellstone (D) to the US Senate was the “Jewish Letter” sent out by the US Senator Rudy Boschwitz’s (R-MN) reelection campaign in 1990. The question is will the “Gun Letter” be a determinative factor in the election...

St Paul DFL City Convention Countdown: Day Five

We have received a mixed response to our posting yesterday because we actively sent out the article to St Paul DFL City Convention delegates and alternates. Some were appreciative and thankful and others, bitchy and questioning of the motivation behind the message. We...

Republican Legislative Majorities Require a Statewide Leader

With the prognostication about the potential legislative majority shift, we thought an analysis of past elections could prove this hill to be quite steep for House Republicans. The principal reason is the lack of a strong candidate at the top of the ticket driving...